The Art and Olfaction Awards

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Welcome to the 11th Art and Olfaction Awards.

Hello! Welcome to the submissions form for the 11th Art and Olfaction Awards. We're so excited to launch our eleventh year, and are honored that you are considering participating. 

This mechanism, while highly competitive, is designed to celebrate the independent, artisan and experimental perfumers that make our world a more exciting, aromatic place. 

Whether you decide to submit your work or not, or whether you submit and make the finalists or not, please consider coming to the 11th Awards, which will take place at the end of May, in Los Angeles. Everyone who wants to come is welcome. 

Before you submit, please take a moment to read the information below as it contains important instructions and notes. 

Submission Basics

The online submission forms close on Dec. 6, 2024, 11:59pm PT. The deadline for receipt of perfume samples is Dec. 20, 2024, by end of day. 

We are accepting submissions or perfumes or projects that were or will be first made available for sale to the public between the dates of Jan 1, 2024 and Dec 31, 2024

We are accepting submissions in three categories: artisan, independent, and experimental. In the artisan and independent categories, there is an option to also submit to the Art and Olfaction Newcomer Award. Please review our categories and rules before submitting, at this link. 

Important Notes About Submitting

By submitting this form you certify that all information in the form is true and correct, that you are over 18 years of age, and that you have reviewed  and understand: 

- the rules for each category (link here), and 

- the Terms and Conditions (link here) for the awards as a whole 

All submissions are subject to the terms and conditions, which you must review before submitting. By submitting this form, you also understand that should the Art and Olfaction Awards management team find that information in your submission form is not factual, we reserve the right to disqualify your submission without reimbursement. Please make sure you are submitting to the right category, for your business practice

Once You Submit

Once you submit your online form, you will be redirected to a webpage with instructions. You will also receive an automated email from Submittable that contains the information about how and where to send the physical scent. This automated email will go to the email address associated with your account, here on Submittable. If you do not receive these instructions within 24 hours, please first check your spam folder, and then email us at

On a Personal Note...

The Art and Olfaction Awards are an extremely competitive mechanism, with submissions from all over the world. Before you submit, please take a moment to acknowledge and reflect upon the fact that it is possible that your work will not make the finals. This is no reflection on the overall value of your perfume, or on you as a person. If competition is painful, to you, we encourage you to participate in our programs in other ways. 

If you have any questions, please email us! We're here to help, and happy to do so. Our email address is